Woodworking With Kids

If you thought that woodworking is a hobby that is just for adults then you are dead wrong. Kids as young as 5 or 6 years old can actually start making their own wooden toys and furniture (with adult supervision of course). If you have children, you can make every project into a bonding experience. Working on wood projects also allows children to let out their creativity in productive ways, and they will also learn about math and simple geometry as well, which is always great!

Now what kinds of projects should you choose? This will depend on how much time you can afford to supervise and help your child. If you do not have that much free time on your hands, then choose a fairly simple woodworking project, like a stool or a birdhouse for example. Or better yet, get one of those pre-cut wood project kits.

Pre-cut kits are great because you do not have to measure and cut each individual piece of lumber, all you and your kids need to do is just connect each piece together with glue, some nails or screws and you are all done. There are great pre-cut wood project kits to choose from, like a rocking horse for the boys, or an elegant doll house for the girls; some kits even come with paint for coloring the finished product.

But if you and your children have a lot of free time on your hands, like an entire weekend, then you should choose projects that are a little more elaborate, like bunk beds, or maybe a wooden playhouse set up right at your back yard. You can get plans for these kinds of projects from different websites and woodworking magazines, they are fairly simple to do and you can employ the help of your kids in building them as well. You will be the one who will be cutting up the lumber of course; your kids can help in measuring and maybe drive in some of the smaller finishing nails. And once you finish, you can all step back and admire your handiwork.

Woodworking as a hobby is not just exclusively for adult; kids also receive a sense of satisfaction whenever they finish making something with their own two hands. So let your children have a go at working with wood, not only will they be enjoy working, they will also be learning as well.