Where should you locate your Tool Storage System, metal detector and the Shop-Vac?

You will notice that you will tend to accumulate a lot of tools and equipment in your garage or shed as you work on different projects.

To avoid ending up with a chaotic mess, the key here is to store your tools efficiently. That means your stuff should be kept in places where they are within easy reach and highly organized.

We’ll go over tips on how to keep your tools organized using a tool storage system along with where to put your metal detector and shop vac.

Best Places to Keep Your Tool Storage System

The key here is accessibility. That means you should keep your storage near your work bench. That way you don’t have to walk to and from your bench to your tool storage.

Here are a few storage tips that will come in handy:

• Keep everything in a single row

• Organize everything by category

• Sometimes springs, screws, and other stuff find their way into your tool storage—remove them and store them elsewhere.

• Store duplicate tools in a separate moisture free container.

Best Places to Keep Your Metal Detector

A metal detector is a piece of equipment that is sensitive to moisture. That means you should store it in an area where it can remain dry and safe.

Typically we would recommend that you keep it in your home (preferably). Why is that? It’s all about the heating. Remember that garages or your shop may not have any heating. It tends to get cold in there.

If you keep your metal detector in your shed or garage, the changes in temperature can cause a build-up in moisture. This moisture build-up can damage your metal detector. You should also make sure to remove the batteries (if any) when you store it.

Where to keep your metal detector in the house:

• Hang it by a coil preferably close to the entrance to your shed or garage.

• You can also hang it by the control box.

• Hang your detector by the rollers

• Put it in a spare room at a corner

Big Tip: buy a hard case for your metal detector. This can also help to keep moisture out. You can also throw in a silica gel pack in the case to help with moisture absorption.

Best Places to Keep Your Shop-Vac

Shop vacs tend to get in your way when you work. The vac is usually huge and you tend to step on or trip over the hose. It all depends on the design of the vacuum.

Some are designed to hang or mounted on a wall with a built-in hose storage system (the hose is pretty long). If wall mounts aren’t possible then your other option is to keep it at or under your garage’s shelving.

If it is too big or the hose isn’t long enough then just store it in a corner out of the way. If you have space in between tables (or under the bench) then store it there for easy access.