When Did Woodworking Started?

Woodworking is any activity done that involves working on wood. You know that you can carve, paint, and saw wood, and all these activities are considered as woodworking. If you are wondering when and how it started, well it was not exactly noted in history books. However, it is believed that ancient people created weapons from wood in the old times. They made spears with wood as handle and sharp stones at the end. Soon, more tools and weapons were created out of wood. They used it primarily for hunting and survival. Thus, working on wood had started a very long time ago when man had first existed too.

The developments continued and in 2000 B.C. one of the most powerful countries then, Egypt, had made furniture from wood. They created chairs, beds, tables, and chests. Soon, trading became popular and those pieces furniture were sent to many different cities and countries. Various types of wood were also used as people from different countries tried to make those furniture too. Afterwards, decorations followed like wood painting and carving. It became an art as people began to explore what they can do with wood. Some carved their tribe’s history in their canes; others created figurines and statues. In Europe, there are many large wooden statues that are being preserved. Those statues are taken good care because it depicts their culture and history.

Then moving to the Middle Ages, woodworks became more popular in the Byzantine and Gothic art. The preserved art works in museums and sanctuaries all proved that ancient people really did loved doing art on wood. However, wood became less popular as time goes by because it deteriorates and rots. Wood also rots as small insects feed on it. Paint and other substances are now used to prevent his and preserve wood crafts. It also cracks and split easier. Soon, wood became a secondary medium of art after copper and metals were more often used.

Woodcraft regained its popularity in recent years because it gives a classic look on furniture and houses. You can find lots of woodwork sales online – from puzzles, furniture, armoire, chairs, tables, and shelves. Woodworking has been a skill that is developed among many people nowadays. It can be done even by young people and those who aspire to be professional woodworkers. You only need to be patient and creative and you will surely come up with a masterpiece.