What is Google Sketchup and how to use it to design a house and home interior design?

Google SketchUp is a computer program used to create 3D models for all sorts of projects. These projects may include architectural plans, landscape, construction, and interior design layouts.

Why should you bother using it? Well, a three-dimensional model is helpful for better visualizing a project. It can also aid in planning improvements and making revisions.

Several other industries choose Google SketchUp because of its powerful set of tools. It has many libraries and extensions and is very flexible.

The automotive industry uses it in designing car parts. And the gaming industry uses it in creating level and environment design. Hobbyists even use it in designing DIY projects.

Google SketchUp is a very easy program to learn and anyone can use it for any project that involves design. The program leverages and complements drawing skills with rendering display effects.

There’s no need for designers to redraw their work once it’s in Google SketchUp. They can explore within the 3D environment to make changes to their designs.

They can add text and make vector drawings. They can also manipulate surfaces and get immediate feedback for any design decisions. It’s even possible to include dimensions and instruction on diagrams. There are options for printing the project or saving it as a PDF file as well.

Architecture and Interior Design

Google SketchUp has found wide use in architectural and interior design projects. An architect who wants to put together a house can use it to create a set of construction documents.

And, an interior designer can use the program to put up a room for a client presentation. Other consultants can then provide valuable feedback on the current project.

Designers conceptualize construction assemblies in 3D dimensions. This saves iterative cycles from the traditional approach to problem solving and design.

Google SketchUp has many advanced features for creating stunning home designs. Architects and interior designers can take full advantage of these to improve their presentations.

It’s likewise possible to add a rendering extension on current projects. This helps create more photorealistic presentation images instead of simple graphics. This allows designers to create animations with realistic lighting and reflections

In fact, Google SketchUp can export high resolution walkthrough animations. This allows designers to tour clients through every stage of their design.

Google SketchUp also comes with LayOut—a tool for making beautiful presentations and detailed documentation. These can be presentations like schematic designs, and comparisons of products and materials.

Aside from that, there are detailed construction documents in Google SketchUp. These include scaled plans, elevation, sections, and construction details. The program even includes product schedules and bills of materials for contractors.

Designers can also model terrain from scratch. Or, they can create terrain from an imported survey file. They can add 3D models into the terrain.

It is possible to import existing drawings instead of starting from scratch. This is a big time saver when there is a timeline to follow. Google SketchUp can import PDFs of floor plans and technical drawings as well. If there is an existing CAD file, it can import DWG and DXF files.

Lastly, designers can use Google SketchUp tools to transform the imported files into 3D models. And yes, it is possible to export saved files for other design software such as Revit and 3D Studio Max.