What are a pipe clamps? How to use and assemble pipe clamps for woodworking?

Pipe clamps are tools that serve as joints to connect two pipes. Their functions range from a simple use (like acting as a clip) to more sophisticated applications. You see them as those metal brackets clamped around sewage pipes.

They function by maintaining the pipeline in place. They are circular or semicircular metals, and vary in size. The main parts are a bracket that closes around the pipe and a screw which could tighten or loosen the clamp.

Not Just for Pipes

Despite its name, it isn’t limited only to pipes. Some carpenters use these clamps in other activities like carpentry or woodworking. Pipe clamps, in this case, differ from those used for drainage pipes and other pipelines.

The clamp has two jaws, one fixed and the other an adjustable jaw. These jaws latch onto a metal rod which is called the clamp body. Each clamp head has a screw mechanism where you can adjust the tightness of the clamp. Like the ones used in pipelines, they vary in lengths and sizes.

Pipe clamps are most often used for holding many planks of wood together. This keeps them intact during nailing or edge gluing.

Edge gluing is done by sticking several boards that are held together by clamps. This is to create a broader surface likened to a table. This instrument is also used to hold a piece of wood that needs some furnishing.

Proper Use and Assembly

Sometimes these clamps leave marks on the surface, which is why they make use of pads. Pads are soft, thin layers of rubber that are placed between the surface and clamp to avoid marks after.

In using clamps on wood, you must make sure that it is neither too tight nor too loose. Either of the two would cause damage during gluing, and could leave gaps making the work useless.

Make sure that the jaws are on a smooth surface to prevent unevenness. Also, use the clamp with the right length to avoid overextending the jaws which could damage the tool.

These tools are convenient to have for a crafty person and are easily purchased online. The equipment would be in parts upon delivery. Yes, it would be your responsibility to build it. Doing so isn’t difficult though.

First, clean out the parts and slip in the first jaw. Place it a few inches before the other end. Screw it tight, making that the fixed part.

The next part would be the adjustable jaw. Simply slide the jaw into the clamp body and tighten it. After putting the jaws, use the caps provided to seal both ends of the clamp body to avoid the jaw from sliding out.

A Most Valuable Tool

Now you know the applications of this equipment and how it’s assembled. You can make use of it without hesitation, and you can also educate others with what to do and what not to do.

This is a valuable instrument for any carpenter since it can be utilized on a lot of activities. So, if you don’t have one yet, buy one now, or you can make one yourself.