Ten Sundry Woodworking Tips

1. Woodworking is a fun activity, and is always likeable, so the first tip for you to follow is to have fun when working with wood. That will keep you sharp and focused on your goal. Remember that working with wood takes long.

2. But having fun doesn’t mean that you should horse around in your work area. Keep yourself safe when working with wood. Wear protective equipment for eyes (goggles), nose (mask), hands (gloves), and sometimes, your ears.

3. Before buying a specific type of wood, find out its uses. Find out whether the wood is hard enough for your project. Also, find out whether the wood is paint grade or stain grade. When in doubt, ask a woodworker or the shop owner for information.

4. Make sure that you clear your workplace of dust. Dust is dangerous to the eyes, ears, and nose when you keep yourself exposed to it. Wipe off all workplace dust with a damp cloth. When removing dust from hard to reach locations, use a vacuum cleaner instead of brushing.

5. Sandpaper your wood before working on it. It’s hard to sandpaper wood after you’ve crafted it into a project. Scratches and marks on wood will become more prominent once the wood becomes stained.

6. Make sure that your workplace is well-lit and well-ventilated. Of course, you have to see what you’re working at and you have to be comfortable while working with wood. Also, fresh air is important when you are using oil-based products.

7. Keep your woodworking tools organized. You should know where to get each tool when you need it. That will keep you disciplined while working with wood as well as reduce distractions.

8. Make sure to master the craft of working with wood always. Practice always. Working with wood is something that you can master only when practicing often. No amount of theorizing on working with wood can replace hands-on experience.

9. Before you forget – don’t drink or take drugs before woodworking. You will handle dangerous tools once you work with wood, so be always alert. No depressants like alcohol that will make you less alert. No stimulants too; they will agitate you to the extent that you might hurt yourself.

10. Lastly, find skilled woodworkers who can help you. Woodworkers with years of experience can teach you how to use tools, how to choose wood, many techniques for cutting and finishing, and many more tips from experience.