How to prevent, protect and remove rust on woodworking tools and machines?

For woodworkers, every tool is essential. Whether it would be for measuring or sawing lumber; all equipment is precious. Without them, you would be having a hard time crafting.

At this point, you don’t want your material to be anywhere near damaged. How would you take care of these tools? A way to take care of them is to prevent them from rusting.

Rust is an anomaly on these tools, causing them to go dull, break, and malfunction during use. The best way to avoid rust is to make sure it never does. There are several ways to prevent your items from tarnishing.

1. Do not place it in humid areas

A moist or humid environment stimulates rusting. The presence of water and oxygen causes the corrosion of the steel parts, giving off the brown color.

To avoid this, place your tools inside a dry cabinet or anywhere not expose to the outside air. Air happens to go humid at night when you are not watching over your gears.

Be careful not to leave water at your storage room. Another option is to make use of a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity level of the room.

2. Wipe them after use

While working, your palms would release oil and sweat. This fluid will travel onto your tools and, if not removed, would promote rusting. So remember to clean your gears with a dry cloth.

3. Use protective coatings

Some woodworkers would paint their hand tools with an anti-rust coat. This paint protects the metal from rusting, and it extends its life span. But, this is applicable only for hand tools.

4. Apply wax

Paraffin wax is a wonderful lubricant, and it is water-resistant. Applying this wax on your gear would guarantee a rust-free tool.

If your tools did manage to rust, don’t worry, because here are some ways to remove them.

• Using rust removers are effective in washing off this corrosion. There are a lot of products that exclaim they can remove the tarnishes in one go.

You can also use usual house appliances to get rid of the rust.

• Dusting it with baking soda, and scouring it with a steel brush would remove the tarnishes.

• You can also try cleaning your rusty equipment with a cloth soaked with vinegar. White distilled vinegar, to be exact. Mixing it with salt would make it more effective.

This mixture eats away the corrosion, making it possible for you to scrub it off with a steel brush. As for hand tools, you can submerge them in vinegar overnight. After that, rinse well and dry.

• Using Citric acid is also commendable. Add two to three drops of this liquid on hot water. You can submerge the equipment or wipe them with it.

• Others suggest that lemon and salt, with the combined acidity, can remove rusts. You have many options to choose from.

If you want to keep your tools in tip-top shape, remember to protect them from rusting. A rusty tool would give out poor results and would not be safe to use.