How to make a wooden swing set which includes the seat, frame, chair, stand and slide

A swing set can make for a perfect addition to any playground or yard. Surprisingly enough, it is easy to make if you have the right tools, materials, and information. A wooden swing set is made of different various parts which is why you need to approach the project on a part-to-part basis. In other words, you will have to build the set piece by piece.

1. The Frame

The secret of a sturdy wooden swing set is in the frame. Surprisingly, a swing’s frame design is quite simple as it is composed of two triangular stands connected to one another by a beam on top.

Each stand should be made with two 4 x 4 posts that are 10 feet long. This should allow for a good swing range and a high clearance from the ground. Supporting each stand is a board that is 3 feet long that connects two posts at the middle point. If done right, a stand should look like one giant wooden “A”.

The beam should be a 4 x 6 post that is 12 feet long at most. This should give enough space to attach 3 swing seats at the bottom part of the beam.

When attaching the high beam to the stands, make sure to use a steel bracket at both ends. Once the edges of the beam and the stand are covered with the bracket, you must then seal the joints with galvanized steel bolts.

2. The Chairs

There are two options for your swing chairs. The first option is to buy ready-made plastic chairs at the local hardware store with built-in swing brackets and a molded curvature for a comfortable sitting.

The second option is to build one yourself. To do this, cut a 3 x 4 wood
board into 3 17-inch seats. This should allow for enough seating space for children and for placement of the swing brackets.

Once the seats are ready, you can then install the swing hooks at the lower portion of the beam. However, make sure that the distance between the swing hooks for each seat is parallel to the brackets. This allows for the chain to hang in a straight line which makes the swings safer.

3. The Slide
Although they could be stand-alone additions to the playground, a slide can also be included in the swing set. If done so, it will add another base of support for one side of the swing while increasing the functionality of the entire set.

Creating a slide should be a rather straightforward affair. You would have to build the base which is 5 foot tall with a platform on top. You must also build a ladder at the side from which children can climb on top.

If you want to build the slide instead of buying one, make sure that the design slopes slightly upwards at the end and has a vertical clearance of 5 inches from the ground.

Also, there must be panels at each side and the surface is smooth and polished. These should prevent injuries for children wanting to use it.