How to make a wooden sand tray for the park from woodworking plans

Making a wooden sand tray for the park is a simple project you can do in less than an hour.

You need the following:

• Drill / Screwdriver
• Table Saw or Miter Saw
• Four heavy-duty steel L brackets
• 1” Galvanized Wood Screws*
• 2” x 6” Timber**

* Number of screws depends on the L bracket you can procure

** Length and number of timber depend on how big you want the sand box you can or want to build. For example, if you want a 4’ x 4’ sand box, you need two 2” x 6” x 8’ timbers.

The project will use a 4’ x 4’ sand box as this how-to’s guide project.
Preparing the Materials

1. Cut the timber according to the length of the edges you determined for your project.

2. Lay the timber on flat-leveled ground.

3. Check if the timber pieces are square and plumb.

4. Overlap the timber on each other to simplify the construction of the sand box walls.

5. Fit the brackets on the corners of the sand box’s wall frame.

6. Line up the screws on each corner to make it easier for you to drill them on the frame.

Constructing the Frame

1. You have multiple ways to drill the screws on the frame and bracket.

a. One way is to drill holes first on the spots where the screw will go through and screw the screws in later.

i. Place timber on the ground.

ii. Place one end of a bracket on the timber.

iii. Get a pen and mark the holes in the bracket on the timber.

iv. Remove the bracket and get your drill inch deep holes.

v. Place the bracket back.

vi. Screw the screws in the holes.

vii. Repeat until you form the frame.

b. Another method is to drill the screw directly to the frame. However, you need another person to hold the frame steady.

i. Let the other person hold two of the timber.

ii. Lay an L bracket on the overlapped corner.

iii. If you have a clamp, clamp the ends of the bracket to secure it in place.

iv. Get the drill and drill the screws on the holes of the bracket.

v. Repeat until you form the frame.

c. If you do not have a drill, you can use a hammer and nail. Mark the location of the screws and then hammer the nail on those locations. Screw the screws later.

Placing the Frame

1. The sand box frame is ready.

2. Place it on top of the location.

3. Dig at least 3” dip on the soil in the frame.

4. Clear the soil and make sure there aren’t any sharp materials poking out of the ground. You can also create a layer of 3” thick cement and let it cure.

5. Optional: Paint the frame with spar varnish to protect it against the elements.

6. Fill the sand tray with sand.