How to choose and use the right drill press vise in woodworking?

If you’re new to woodworking, you definitely have to familiarize yourself with the tools and equipment you’ll need. Well, there are many tools available for beginners, but one of the most important is the drill press vise.
What is a drill press vise?

A drill press vise is a clamp used to hold woodwork during drilling. The jaws of the vise firmly clamp onto the wood to hold it still when the drill bit is piercing the wood’s surface.

Other than using it on wood, you can also use the drill press vise on metal and plastic. You can even apply the tool in doing other press jobs like grinding, boring, tapping, or reaming.

What to consider when choosing a drill press vise?

Choosing the right drill press vise is important. This can help keep your holes straight and accurate, as well as avoid accidents. To choose the right drill press vise, consider the following:

• Your needs and preferences. There are two types of drill press vise, namely the tilting jaw and the quick release. The tilting jaw drill vise holds workpieces in any shape. The quick release drill press vise has a built in mechanism that allows the user to adjust the jaws rapidly.

• Weight of the drill press vise. A vise’s weight can range between 3 pounds to 55 pounds, depending on size. The heavier the vise, the harder it is to maneuver. You need to ensure that your holding table can carry the weight of your drill press vise.

• Size of the jaws. Choosing the jaw’s width and opening is crucial. The size of the jaws depends largely on the size of the wood you need to clamp in place. A vise with a bigger jaw width and jaw opening may be less restricting, but it can be more difficult to use because of its weight.

• Jaw durability. The drilling process exerts heavy pressure and if the jaws of your drill press vise aren’t made of durable material, they can break. Look for a vise with jaws forged in iron, which are generally tougher and last longer.

How to use the drill press vise?

Regardless of what type of drill press vise you have, the way to use it is similar. Here’s a simple guide on how to set up and use a drill press vise:

• Secure the drill press vise on a drill press table by using bolts if you want to secure it permanently or clamps if you want a detachable one.

• Mark the wood where you want to drill your hole. A tip for accuracy—draw an X on the surface where you want to drill. The point where the X meets will be the center or your drill point.

• Open the jaws and place the wood in between the jaws of the drill press vise.

• Close and tighten the jaws until the wood is firmly held.

• Drill a hole.

Safety is always paramount when it comes to woodworking. It may cost a bit to buy this particular tool, but the savings and peace of mind you get out of having one make it a worthwhile investment.