How to build your own DIY simple wooden log cabin with the base step by step

Constructing a log cabin by yourself is a huge feat. Be sure to take note of all the steps written here. It also helps to have woodworking plans or blueprints ready.

Materials Preparation

1. Collect all the logs you need.

2. Debark the trunks.

a. It’s advisable to debark trunks as soon as they’re cut.

b. Avoid exposing the cut log to sunlight to make debarking easy.

c. Remember that debarking is a crucial process. Barks allow pests and parasites to live on the logs.

d. Barks also disallow of preservative products that can slow down rotting.

3. Cut few of the logs as boards or planks.

4. Prepare the cut planks and boards by submerging them in water for two weeks.

a. Let them dry on a cool and dark place.

b. This process prevents wood from popping and/or cracking when cut or hammered.

Cabin Foundation

1. While the planks are on water, start with the cabin’s foundation.

2. Go to your building site and prepare a shovel. You’ll need it to prepare your cabin’s foundation.

3. Dig at least a foot deep (30 centimeters) on the ground for your foundation. You can go deeper if you can. However, 1 foot is enough for a wooden structure. Unless you plan to make a bungalow or add stories, you need a deeper foundation.

4. Flatten and ram the foundation bed flat.

5. Pour a thin layer of concrete on the bed.

6. Add stones and gravel on the concrete.

7. Fill the remaining space in the foundation with concrete.

Cabin Murete and Walls

1. Surround the edge of your foundation with a murete. The murete is a small wall made of concrete designed to suppoer the walls of a structure. The murete must be at least a foot high, and eight inches wide for this project.

2. Once the murete is cured, lay the logs on top of it. Note that it is crucial that the murete and foundation are cured before laying the logs to avoid the logs from seeping the moisture from the cement.

Also, place the thicker and bigger logs on the bottom. The logs on the bottom of the cabin are the most exposed to water. You need to have thick logs there to avoid pests and rotting. Note that it would be difficult to raise heavy logs on top. Do not rush on laying and seating the logs. It’s a challenging and tiresome process. Take your time in placing them to avoid them from being crooked. Be aware of your door and windows’ position in your cabin.

3. Cut logs in half to make frames and lintels for your windows and doors.

4. Continue placing the logs on your cabin until you start forming the gable for you home. Once you reach this point, place supporting pillars, anchors, and central post.

5. You’re practically done at this point. The remaining step is for you to place insulation, lining, and a roof. You can also proceed on using the planks you prepared for your doors, windows, and other pieces of furniture. The last step is to weatherproof the cabin and applying finishes.