How to build wooden file cabinet from woodworking plans and project blueprints

Files are among the stuff that keeps growing so a file cabinet is always needed fo all those papers that needs to be organized and kept. If you are interested to make your own wooden file cabinet, there are several plans and project blue prints that can be used as reference online.

1. Decide on the style of the file cabinet that you want based on your requirements and budget. You might want to build one with five or two drawers or one that can double as a table. Once you have decided, look for a plan or blueprint that fits what you wants. The materials needed and instructions are all indicated in the project blueprints. Make sure to bring the plan or blueprint with you when you buy your materials so as not to forget anything.

2. If you want a file cabinet that no one has thought of before, then make your own blue print. Just make a sketch of the features that you want, and put in all the measurements. When deciding on the measurements, consider the dimensions of the file folders or cases to you will use to ensure that they will perfectly fit your cabinet.

3. For a wooden file cabinet, you will mostly need a plywood, sander, screws, saw, drill, paint or wood stain, handles and feet. Check the measurements indicated in the plan and cut the plywood accordingly. Do not forget to sand the pieces of wood after cutting to make them smooth. You may also segregate or label the pieces with numbers or parts such as “drawer side” or “frame bottom” to make it easier to look for the pieces later on.

4. Once all the pieces are cut, assemble the main frame of the file cabinet. Attach the back and side panels to the bottom part and then attach the cover using screws. Paint the interior and exterior of the main frame and let it dry while working on the drawers. When painting or staining, make sure to let paint or stain dry completely before you put another coat. You can screw on the feet from the inside of the frame when all the layer of paint or stain has dried.

5. Get the pieces for one drawer. Following the blueprint, assemble the drawer by attaching the front, back and side panels to the bottom of the drawer using screws. Assemble all the drawers one by one, and then paint and let dry. You can screw on a handle to each drawer on when all the layer of paint or stain has dried.

You can put the drawers on the main frame one all the paint has dried. If you followed the measurements correctly, it should be easy to pull out and push in drawers because they fit well. You can even paint the name of the category for each drawer like “school files”, “medical records”, “employment records” and so on. Happy DIYing!