How to build wooden barn style roof trusses and doors for the garage and for a shed

Building a barn style wood trusses for a garage or shed

Trusses for roofs are usually triangular and easily installed. Here are some tips you can use as a guide in building your wooden trusses:

• Prepare your layout. You may use existing blueprints. You can ask a professional to do this or do your own layout with the help of software for designing roof trusses.

• Discuss with an architect the right roof support and weight.

• Check for local and building codes. Safety is important when you are building anything.

• Prepare your materials that include hammer, saw, wood, galvanized roof truss plates, and galvanized screws in 1½-inch size.

• Cut your wood panels based on the garage or shed roof size. To determine thickness, take into account the weight your trusses will be supporting. Generally, you need a 2×8 inch wood panel.

• Use your connector plates to secure the panels and creating your triangular shape truss. To keep the triangular shape, secure it with screws.

• Add braces to dissect the center of the triangle. This adds support to your trusses.

• Measure the roof overhang for clearance. You can work with a professional to give you a recommended measurement.

• Attach the roof trusses on the roof frame using deck screws.

Do not base your choice truss design on appearance alone. You have to consider other factors like the size of the room of your building, weather, and building design.

Building a garage door

Building a garage door sounds an enormous task but it is not.

You can choose to purchase a pre-fabricated door but making one on your own is more fun and it gives you freedom to choose your own design.
Either way you choose, you need to know some basic steps on how to go about building a new garage door.

• Know what is involved. Building a garage door entails building the frame and the interlocking panels. You also need a slide and a track to get it rolling. There are kits that you can buy for this.

• Correct Measurement. Get exact measurements before you start anything. This will save you time and money.

• Making the design. How do you want your garage door to look like? How many panels do you want and what kind of materials do you want to use. Wood is the best choice.

• Purchasing. If you are customizing your own door, show your plans to a professional and ask help in choosing your materials. If you plan to order a pre-fabricated door, show them your plans so they can design it according to your specifications

Doing it yourself is more fun but it will not hurt you to ask for some tips from a professional.

Building your door shed

Building a shed door is no different from building a garage door.
Just follow these easy steps to get you started:

• Get the width and height of your door. Once you have cut the boards with your desired height, lay them out together.

• Use clamps to hold the boards together while you fix them.

• Arrange the ledges and battens at the back of the door. Place the ledges at the top, middle and bottom portion of the board. This will help keep the boards together.

• Place one batten in a slant position between the top and middle ledges and the second batten slanted between middle and bottom ledges.

• Once the boards, the ledges, and battens are in position, screw them with stainless steel screw.

• Place the hinges and fit the cover strips for moisture protection.

• Add 2 layers of teak oil coating for added durability.
The core of every building

The roof is more than just a cover for your building. It protects not just the building but also everything inside that building.

A roof truss gives your building’s roof stability. Without the roof truss, it will be difficult to form the frame of your roof.