How to build step by step a DIY kitchen dining bench and piano seat out of wood with instructions

A kitchen dining bench and a piano seat generally have the same build. The only difference is the length and height. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can make your own kitchen dining bench and piano seat out of wood.

Measuring the dimensions

The first step would be deciding on the dimensions of your kitchen dining bench and piano seat.

When it comes to the dining bench, you want to base it on the length of your dinner table. But normally, dining benches go from 42 to 52 inches. This is long enough to seat three children or two adults.

For the piano seat, you’d have to base its height on the person who’ll be using the piano. The seat should allow the pianist to maintain proper posture in front of the piano.

Preparing the materials

You can use any kind of wood you prefer for your dining bench and piano seat. But, cedar is the easiest to work with. It’s lightweight and you can easily paint and stain cedar furniture.

For a kitchen dining bench, you will need:

• 2”x4”x8ft (1)
• 2”x8”x4ft (2 pieces)
• 2 ½” construction screws

The tools you will need are:

• Sander or sanding block
• Fine-toothed saw or a miter saw for more accurate cuts
• Impact driver and drill
• Tape measure
• Protection gears (safety goggles and mask)

Making the kitchen dining bench

1. Cut the 2”x4”x8ft wood into eight pieces. Four pieces must be 15 ½” long and the other four should be 8” long.

2. Take two 8” and two 15 ½” pieces and create a rectangular frame. Attach the four pieces by predrilling holes and securing them with construction screws.

3. Repeat Step 2. You should now have two small frames. These will be the bench’s legs.

4. Place the two 2”x8”x4ft pieces side-by-side making sure that they are flush.

5. Put the legs at each end of the 2”x8”x4ft pieces. Center the legs and you have a 1 ¾” overhang for each side.

6. Secure the legs by predrilling and screwing them in place.

7. Sand the finished bench to create a smooth finish.

8. You can leave it as is or you can stain, paint, or apply clear a varnish to your new kitchen dining bench.

Making the piano seat

Adjust the measurements. A standard piano seat would be 30” wide and 19” high, but the height must be adjusted to the pianist’s height.

Follow the same steps using your desired wood sizes to create a simple piano seat. This time, you can add a cushion to make the piano seat more comfortable.

Here are the steps to add a cushion to your piano seat:

1. Get a piece of scrap wood that fits on top of your piano seat.

2. Sand the edges to create a smooth rounded edge finish.

3. Cut some cushion foam the same size as your piece of wood. Also, cut some leather, vinyl, or other material you prefer to cover the seat cushion. It should be large enough to cover the cushion foam and wood with some excess to wrap around the edges.

4. Using the staple gun, attach the cushion foam to the wood. Then, fasten the cover material by stapling the edges at the underside of the wood. Hammer down any staples that are protruding.

5. To secure the cushioned wood to your piano seat, screw the two pieces together. Screw from the under the piano seat so the screw heads are hidden.