How to Build a Simple DIY wood deck floor from woodworking plans

Building wooden decks are one of the surefire ways to add a lot of value to any home. Surprisingly enough, it is a project that can be completed with minimal skill and woodworking experience. What you will need to get this project right is a solid foundation on the basics of deck building. Here they are:

1. Materials

Your wooden dock will only be just as good as the type of wood you use for it. Redwood is ideal as it is naturally durable and gives a unique luster even with basic wax coating. Alternatively, you can use cypress or reclaimed wood if redwood is too expensive.

The things that you use to hold the frames and panels together will also be important. Nails are no longer recommended these days as they tend to deteriorate quickly.

Instead, hold everything down with galvanized screws and bolts. An extra layer of wood glue in between panels tends to enhance the deck’s stability.

2. Base and Frame

Assuming that you already have cleared space for the deck, you will have to install the footings. Use standard 4×4 posts and have them set on quick-drying concrete placed on 4 holes across the area.

Once the foundations have been set and fortified, you can start building on the frame of the deck. Start by laying 4 2 x 6 feet beams on the outer part, forming a 4-sided shape around your footings. After this, you will then install 2 more 2 x feet beams on the middle and then the deck joints.

If possible, have your deck joists run perpendicular to the direction that you want your floor boards to be laid at. This will evenly distribute weight across multiple joists.

3. The Floor

This part of the process should be straightforward enough as all you have to do is to lay the boards on top of the joints to form the floor. If possible, avoid creating gaps when laying floor boards to prevent accidents later on.

Also, when installing the floor boards, do not attach the screws from the top which could look distracting. Instead, drill in the screws at the bottom or at the side. The screws will still hold on to the wood from there but would not stick out of the floor surface.

4. Trimming

Before you add in the stain, you will have to add in a wood trim around the posts and at the side of the deck. A wood trim can benefit your deck in two ways. First, it gives it a distinct shape which makes it even more attractive. Second, and more importantly, it seals off the edges of your floor which helps prevent deterioration.

5. Finishing

Since this is a wooden deck project, giving the floor a coat of paint is out of the question. Instead, coat the floor with a protective wooden stain. Not only will this give your wooden floor a shiny finish but it would also protect it from the elements.

Once the stain has dried, you should have a functional deck installed on your house. All that is left to do, then, is to add in furniture and start making that deck a part of the building.