How to build a fine executive office computer or laptop desk out of wood with adjustable height and extension wing

In today’s world where you can work from home and be productive in more ways than one, it’s always best to have your own special place to work. Whether it is a home office or just the sofa in your living room, having the right furniture can really help increase your productivity. The most important piece of furniture you would need is a nice desk. It would be good if you can adjust the height and maybe even have an extension wing on the side. You could buy this at office furniture stores, or you can make your own. Here’s how to do it:

A. What you’ll need

* clamps
* drill
* miter saw
* wire cutters
* stapler
* electrical tape
* wire
* screws
* 2 linear actuators
* Premium pine
* Plywood
* Lockable hinges
* 12v power supply

B. How to do it

Step 1:
Measure and cut the pine to make the base of your table. Put together and attach 2 sets of 2”x4” x2’ pine boards. Cut another pair of boards with the same measurements in half. Make opposite diagonal cuts on the 4” edge and set them aside.

Step 2:
Mount the linear actuators on to the table base. Take a set of 4 2”x4” x2.5’ boards and cut of both 3’ edges diagonally so you can create a square column and then build the leg around the actuator. Make sure that the actuator fits snuggly inside the column. Repeat steps for the other leg.

Step 3:
Using 2”x6” x2.5’ boards, create another column that would go around the smaller column. Make sure there is some space in between the columns so raising and lowering the desk won’t be a problem. Once that’s done, attach them to the table bases and add the extra boards we set aside for support.

Step 4:
Take a 2”x4” x1’ board and attach it to the top of the inner column. This is going to support the tabletop as it goes up and down. Make sure it is not attached to the outer column as not to prevent the leg from rising. Do the same thing for the other table leg.

Step 5:
Create your tabletop. Measure and cut your plywood. You can modify the size of the top you’re using. Just move the legs farther away if you want a bigger table and closer together if you want something that works for laptops. Measure another piece of plywood (or 2 if you want it on both sides) for the extension wing. Attach the lockable hinges to both pieces of ply wood with the wing facing down.

Step 6:
Stain the base, the tabletop, and the extension wing to a finish of your choice. When dry, attach the tabletop to the base. Once the desktop is properly mounted, it’s time to mount the switch at the back of the desk and mount the wiring so it is not seen.

You can now use the desk, adjust the height, and turn it to a standing desk if you want. You can also flip the wing up and lock the hinges so you have more space anytime you need it.